Mike's Story
Mike has been certified as an expert in dog behavior by the California Superior. He’s also been a guest speaker and panelist at the annual California Animal Care and Control Convention and has appeared on radio and television programs nationwide. In addition, he’s written columns and articles about dog behavior for Dog Fancy, Dog World, American Dog, Fit Pregnancy, Boston Whaler and smaller publications. And starting in a few months he’ll be a regular contributor to the doggie podcast, Talking the Dog with Sanford Johnson.
Mike is also the author of three books – There’s a Puppy in the House, Good Dog, Happy Baby and Integrated Dog Training: The Commonsense Visual Guide to Training any Dog.
Mike’s training approach focuses on channeling a dog’s natural drives and instincts into behaviors acceptable in the human pack, primarily through the principles of positive reinforcement as well as through methods that appeal to the dog’s canine sensibilities.
Finally, Mike has trained dogs for high profile celebrities in the entertainment, financial and academic worlds including Charles Schwab, Robin Williams, Linda Ronstadt, Barry Levinson, Chad Hurley (founder of YouTube), Max Levchin (co-founder of PayPal), Jeremy Stoppelman (founder of Yelp), Dr. Robert Sapolsky (author of many books on animal behavior and neurobiology), Joe Satriani, Bob Weir (Grateful Dead), Linda Ronstadt, Kirk Hammet (Metallica) and Michael Tilson Thomas, music director of the San Francisco Symphony, who commented that “Michael Wombacher is a maestro of dog trainers. His clarity of thinking, sense of humor and skills in communicating make dog training fun for both pet and pet lover.”
Mike wombacher
Founder, Dog Gone Good