Is Canine Social Hierarchy Important When Preparing My Dog for My Child?

Morgan: Alright Mike, I’ve got another great question for you today. Are you ready? Mike: Oh, I’m ready. Morgan: Alright, here we go. “I believe hierarchy is socially important for dogs. Number one, do you agree? And number two, do you think this is important in terms of preparing my dog for my child and, […]
I’ve Noticed My Dog Is Very Protective of My Child. Should I Be Concerned?

Morgan: Alright Mike, welcome back to the show. I’ve got a great question for you today. Here we go: “I’ve noticed my dog is very protective of my child. Is this something that I should be concerned about?” A Worst-Case Scenario Mike: The short answer is: absolutely, yes. You should be worried about it – […]
GDHB024: My Dog Barks Excessively. Is This Going To Be a Problem for My Baby? What Can I Do?

Your dog barks excessively. Is this going to be a problem when you bring home your little one? Yes it is and here’s what you can do about it.
023: Your Dog Bites Baby. What Should You Do?

The Million Dollar Question Morgan: Alright, Mike, welcome back. I’ve got a great question for you today that really gets to the heart of what we talk about on this podcast. Here it is: “My dog bit my toddler – what should I do?” Mike: That is a very difficult question. I’ll say a couple […]
022: Can You Be Sure That Your Dog Knows Your Baby Is Higher in the Family Hierarchy?

In this episode, we pick up where we left off in the last episode and explore the question of whether it’s possible to get your dog to recognize you child as an “alpha” dog. Mike sheds light on this question with a very simple response and then goes deeper into some of the distinctions around rank […]
021: I Have Two Dogs Who Fight Over Toys and My Attention. Is this Going to Be a Problem?

In this episode, we explore questions around rank management, shared resources, and how to train your dogs so that they don’t see your child as an explicit threat to their social order. Dogs And Kids In Competition Morgan: So the question for today is: “I currently have 2 dogs – sometimes they fight over toys, […]
020: When Can I Trust my Dog To Be Alone with my Baby?

019: Is It OK To Give My Dog a Last Hurrah Before the Baby Comes?

Morgan: The question for this week, Mike: Is it OK to give my dog a last hurrah before the baby comes? Mike: Well, no, actually [laughter]. It’s one of the big mistakes that people make. It’s funny, I laughed because I was actually having this conversation with somebody last night, with whom I was consulting […]
018: I just Got a Puppy and Found Out I Am Pregnant. Am I in over My Head?

How Crazy Can You Handle Your Life? Morgan: OK, Mike, so the question for today is: “I just got a puppy, and at the same time, I found out that I’m pregnant. Am I in over my head?” Mike: [Laughter] Maybe. Maybe. You know, I’ve had a few of those in the past year – […]
017: Your Baby Is Crawling and Your Dog Is Growling. Is it too Late?

Is It Too Late? Morgan: Mike, the question for today: “I didn’t prepare my dog for my baby. My baby’s now crawling, and my dog is growling – am I in trouble? Is it too late?” Mike: Well, that’s a tough question, man. The answer is: “Kind of, yes.” [Laughter]. This is one of the […]
012: Your Dog Is Aggressive towards other Dogs. Is Your Child at Risk?

Dog-On-Dog Aggression Or Dog-On-Baby Aggression? Morgan: Alright, here’s the question for today: “My dog hates other dogs. Should I be concerned that this will be a problem with my child?” Mike: Well, I would say if your dog hates other dogs, it’s probably always a little bit of a cause for concern, and something you […]
011: How Should You Deal with Very Young and Very Old Dogs?

New Dog Plus New Baby Equals Double Trouble! Morgan: So, Mike, the question for today: “My dog is very young, and full of energy, and she has very little impulse-control – what should I do?” Mike: Well, it’s similar to what we discussed a couple of podcasts ago about a dog that generally has a […]
010: Your Dog Is A Spoiled Alpha Dog. What Should You Do?

Is your dog used to being the center of your attention? Are you worried that with baby on the way, she’s going to feel displaced and act out? Is she a spoiled alpha dog? In this episode, we pick apart this question and give you practical advice on how to prepare your dog so she’s […]
009: You Have a High Energy Dog. What Should You Do?

Are high energy dogs potentially dangerous to your baby or toddler? That’s a great questions and the answer is yes. Here are some ways you can mitigate the hazards of a rambunctious dog. The Primary Dangers Of High Energy Dogs Morgan: So, the question for this week, Mike, is: what if I have a high energy […]
008: What should you do if your dog has separation anxiety?

In the previous episode, we explored the question: My dog is afraid of being touched in sensitive areas of her body – should I be concerned? And Mike really took us very deep into this topic. Yes, he said – with great emphasis – you should be concerned. And then, he began to unpack it. And this […]
007: Your dog is sensitive to touch. What should you do?

Your dog is sensitive to touch in different parts of her body. What should you do? First off, don’t ignore it. This is one of the biggest reasons why people end up rehoming their dogs. Not only that, it’s one of the prime reasons for dog bites on children. In this episode, Mike provides some […]
006: What Should I Do If My Dog Is Afraid Of Children

In this episode of the Good Dog Happy Baby podcast, we explore how to train and prepare dogs that are afraid of children. If you have a child on the way or a new toddler, this is a big one. If your dog is afraid of children, here are some of the key steps you […]
005: Will My Dog Feel Jealous & Replaced When My Baby Arrives?

This is one of the most serious issues you need to address when bringing a new baby into the home with your dog. Will your dog be jealous? Will she feel replaced now that she’s no longer number one? In this episode, Mike dives deep into one of the biggest and most important questions around […]
004: Is It Too Late To Prepare My Dog For My Baby?

Are you worried that it’s too late to prepare your dog for the arrival of your little one? Well you’re certainly not alone. In this episode, we Mike tackles this question and will give you some encouraging insights and tactics. Episode Blog Post Morgan: Last week, we covered a great question: what are some of […]
003: Will My Dog Bite My Baby? The Warning Signs You Need To Know

In this episode, we discuss the major signs and warnings that your dog might not take kindly to the presence of another little human being in your family. Episode Blog Post Morgan: In the previous post, we asked: what’s the most important single thing I can do to prepare my dog for the arrival of my […]