
Mike has written articles for a variety of journals and magazines over the years including Dog World, Dog Fancy and The American Dog. These are his articles from American Dog.
Below are some of his articles on important dog matters.

5 Steps to a
Childproof Dog

Fall 2008
The American Dog Magazine

Does your Dog go into a barking frenzy when the door bell rings?

Spring 2009
The American Dog Magazine

To Crate or not
to Crate?

Summer 2009
The American Dog Magazine

The Three pillars
of Housebreaking

Fall 2009
The American Dog Magazine

Don't get rid of the DOG because a Baby is on the way!

Winter 2009
The American Dog Magazine

Can you bring a Cat Home... if your DOg thinks the Cat is "Prey" or his next meal?

Spring 2010
The American Dog Magazine

Overcoming Dog-on-Dog aggression

Winter 2009
The American Dog Magazine


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