Book Bonus

Mike is a contributing writer for the The American Dog.
Below are some of his articles on important dog matters.

Teaching Your Pup To Accept Time Alone

(Excerpted from There’s a Puppy in the House)

I mentioned a moment ago that pups that are chronically over-stimulated at an early age are likely to develop problems with separation anxiety in the not too distant future. Let’s take a moment to look into that, keeping in mind my admonition that anything you want your pup to be able to deal with as an adult dog, you should start getting him used to now.


Don't get rid of the DOG because a Baby is on the way!

Winter 2009
The American Dog Magazine

Can you bring a Cat Home... if your DOg thinks the Cat is "Prey" or his next meal?

Spring 2010
The American Dog Magazine

Below I have excerpted two sections from my books regarding this topic. The first comes from my book, There’s a Puppy in the House, and concerns teaching a young pup to accept alone time from its earliest days, thus minimizing the chances of developing issues with separation anxiety later.

The second section comes from my book, There’s a Baby in the House: Preparing your Dog for the Arrival of your Child. This concerns dealing with full-blown separation anxiety in the adult dog. Between the advice in one or both of these sections you should be able to make a significant impact on your dog’s emotional dependency that lies at the root of this problem.

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