(Photo via CNN: Guinnevere Shuster)
(Photo via CNN: Guinnevere Shuster)

This post originally appeared on the CNN News blog.

(CNN) In the past 30 or so years, dog ownership has sky rocketed while, unrelatedly, young couples are increasingly choosing to delay parenthood into their late 20s and 30s. Where these trends intersect, a dog may even be something of a surrogate child.

With couples pouring their parental love and affection into their pets, too little thought is usually given to how the dog will take to the sudden arrival of a real child.

The truth is that dogs, like people, can and do get jealous and insecure.

Read the whole article here…

(Photo via CNN: Guinnevere Shuster)


Do you want to learn a step-by-step approach for training your dog to love your baby? You can check out my new self-paced online course, where I teach you practical and easy-to-implement techniques. You can find it here: Good Dog Happy Baby Course




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