Video Summary

In this blog I am embarking on an experiment to turn some of my dog and baby related training sessions into helpful video blogs to share with you.

Each video should prove quite helpful for insight into different dimensions of the dog and child or baby relationship.

In this current video, I am working with a Cocker Spaniel who has already bitten this child once. But I felt he had enough potential to get over this behavior and still develop a nice and respectful relationship with the child. It’s only about 6 minutes long so take a look.

Once Bitten: Systematic Desensitization Dog Training from Mike Wombacher on Vimeo.

If you enjoyed this video, you might also like this video: Exercises To Change The Relationship Between Your Dog and Child.

Want to learn more about preparing your dog for the arrival of your baby? Check out my book: Good Dog, Happy Baby




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