Podcast: Digital Dads Interviews Michael Wombacher

digital dads

  I was thrilled to join the good folks over at Digital Dads for an interview discussing the core themes from my book, Good Dog Happy Baby. Here’s the short blurb which they included on their website. I encourage you to learn more about Digital Dads! In their own words: “Our biggest goal at Digital […]

Don’t Get Rid Of Your Dog Because A Baby Is On The Way!

dog jealous of baby

This post originally appeared in American Dog Magazine Congratulations! You’re pregnant and your “pack” is about to grow. Right now you’re probably asking yourself: “is there any chance that my dog might bite my child?” If not, you should be. Otherwise, you may end up unexpectedly re-homing your dog. And one thing you should be on […]

5 Steps To A Childproof Dog

childproof dog

This post originally appeared in American Dog Magazine Here’s a sobering statistic: 80 percent of dog bites happen to children under five. And 80 percent of those bites are directly in the face. Ouch! Considering that dogs have, as I like to say, worked their way from the backyard to the bedroom in the last 50 years, […]

When Your Dog Bites Baby…What To Do & How To Prevent It

dog bites baby

It happened. The worst thing imaginable. Your beloved dog bites baby. It doesn’t get much worse, and it’s clear that this is a situation that absolutely cannot last. What should you do when this happens? And more importantly, how can you prevent it? Most people don’t know it, but there’s point in your baby’s development […]

Great Family Dogs: Everything You Need To Know

best family dogs

As a dog lover and long-time trainer, I can assert without hesitation that a dog is a fantastic addition to any family, including one with infants as well as children of all ages. The health benefits of family dogs both for adults and children are legion, and I’ve highlighted them in previous posts. Family Dogs: Which Breeds […]

The Yin & Yang of Dog Training: Positive Reinforcement or Aversive Control?

positive reinforcement dog training

In previous posts I’ve discussed the importance of managing a dog’s social status as well as some of the controversies around this topic. Another topic that’s directly related and generates even more heat is the question of what role positive reinforcement dog training and aversives should play. The Yin and Yang of Dog Training On one […]

Integrated Dog Training

The most important thing I learned from my training mentors is the importance of maintaining a well-stocked toolbox of tricks and strategies at the ready when working to help clients with their dogs. This approach has served my clients and me well over 21 years of training. Transcend and Include The essential take away from all […]

What Every Dog Craves: A Family With Clear Structure And Guidance

dog training approaches

A Fond Farewell to the Wolf In a previous post I argued that the wolf pack model of a dog’s social sense is a bit dated. I also suggested that strict notions of dominance and submission miss lots of nuance in our dog’s social interactions. And they too easily lend themselves to wanting to “show […]

6 Best Small Dogs for Kids

small dogs for kids

A few posts back I wrote about what breeds of dogs are best for households with young children. I put a lot of emphasis not on dog breed but dog characteristics. In this post on the best small dogs for kids, I’ll put some more specific emphasis on breeds. But I encourage you to take a […]

How Important Is Social Status To Your Dog?

How Important Is Social Status To Your Dog?

If there are many ways to skin a cat there are easily as many ways to train a dog. But which one is right? These days that’s a loaded and emotionally charged question. And it’s a controversy I’ve been embroiled in for nearly as long as I’ve been training. How Important Is Social Status To Your […]

What are the Best Dogs for Kids?

the best dogs for kids

I spend a great deal of time advising families on how to best prepare their dog for the arrival of their child. Occasionally people will ask which dog breeds I recommend for families that already have children. A brief web search for “best dogs for kids” will yield pages upon pages of lists of dog […]

Dog Training Techniques: Purely Positive vs Alpha Dog

dog training techniques

In the twenty plus years that I’ve been training dogs, the notion of leadership and its role in understanding dogs has drawn a lot of fire. And so have trainers like myself who still argue that leadership is key. Let’s take a look at some of the arguments underlying what’s become the most divisive issue […]

Dog Training 101: Why Leadership is Important

dog training 101

Dog Training 101: Social Instability is Bad News for Dogs One of the best thing I’ve discovered over the years to help prepare your dog for a baby is to make sure she understands her social status in your home. As I’ve come to learn, this is dog training 101. The reason this is key […]

The Incredible Benefits of Growing Up With A Dog

benefits of growing up with a dog

The Benefits of Growing Up With a Dog Without a doubt, bringing a child into your home when you’ve already got a dog poses some unique challenges. But these challenges, at least in my view, are more than offset by the laundry list of benefits derived from raising a child in the company of a […]

Your Dog & Your Baby: Why You Have To Plan Ahead

dog and baby

You’re having a baby. Congratulations! Unfortunately your dog might be less excited than you are. I’ve been a professional dog trainer in the San Francisco Bay area for more than 20 years and I can tell you from experience that a new baby could present big problems for you and your dog. It’s a problem I […]

A Dog and Baby Success Story

This is gratifying. I just got these three pics from a client of mine with a very challenging dog. We worked for months preparing and both from the pictures and her very positive texts it looks like things are going great! Hard work and patience pays off!!

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