007: Your dog is sensitive to touch. What should you do?

Your dog is sensitive to touch in different parts of her body. What should you do? First off, don’t ignore it. This is one of the biggest reasons why people end up rehoming their dogs. Not only that, it’s one of the prime reasons for dog bites on children. In this episode, Mike provides some […]
006: What Should I Do If My Dog Is Afraid Of Children

In this episode of the Good Dog Happy Baby podcast, we explore how to train and prepare dogs that are afraid of children. If you have a child on the way or a new toddler, this is a big one. If your dog is afraid of children, here are some of the key steps you […]
005: Will My Dog Feel Jealous & Replaced When My Baby Arrives?

This is one of the most serious issues you need to address when bringing a new baby into the home with your dog. Will your dog be jealous? Will she feel replaced now that she’s no longer number one? In this episode, Mike dives deep into one of the biggest and most important questions around […]
004: Is It Too Late To Prepare My Dog For My Baby?

Are you worried that it’s too late to prepare your dog for the arrival of your little one? Well you’re certainly not alone. In this episode, we Mike tackles this question and will give you some encouraging insights and tactics. Episode Blog Post Morgan: Last week, we covered a great question: what are some of […]
003: Will My Dog Bite My Baby? The Warning Signs You Need To Know

In this episode, we discuss the major signs and warnings that your dog might not take kindly to the presence of another little human being in your family. Episode Blog Post Morgan: In the previous post, we asked: what’s the most important single thing I can do to prepare my dog for the arrival of my […]
002: What’s The Most Important Thing I Should Do To Prepare My Dog For My Baby?

Welcome to episode 2 of the Good Dog Happy Baby Podcast. In this episode, we explore the question of what you need to do before anything else when prepping your pup for baby’s arrival. Morgan: Mike, what is the most important thing I can do as I prepare my dog for my baby? Mike: Well, I think […]
001: Why Is It Important To Prepare My Dog For My Baby?

Welcome to the Good Dog Happy Baby Podcast, your source for all the information you need to get your dog ready to meet your baby. In this episode, we create some context for the subsequent episodes by exploring the question of WHY it’s so important to prepare your dog for the arrival of your baby. Why […]
Lucie’s List: Preparing your Dog for Baby’s Arrival

Several years ago I helped a young woman introduce her dog Sugar to her baby Lucie with great success. Only later would I learn that the woman was Meg Collins, the founder of the popular pregnancy and motherhood blog Lucie’s List. Recently I reconnected with Meg and was honored to write an original guest post for […]
Why You Never Leave Your Child Alone With Your Dog

When it comes to dogs and babies, I have one prime directive above every other. Never leave your child alone with your dog. I’ll explain my reasoning below but the story I want to share does a good job at illustrating why. A few weeks ago a friend of mine sent me a news article about […]
How To Get Your Dog Used To A Crying Baby

Crying babies and dogs aren’t the best combination. Especially if you have a dog with a strong prey drive. A few nights ago I had a very interesting, creative training session with a client who is six months pregnant and her two-year old French bulldog, Olivia. Managing Crying Babies and Dogs Olivia has in the […]
(AUDIO) CNN’s Sanjay Gupta On How To Baby-Prep Your Dog

Recently, CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta produced an episode of his show, A Better Life which focuses on preparing your dog for the arrival of your baby. In the segment, Dr. Gupta quotes extensively from my work and Good God Happy Baby. You can listen to the full 1-minute segment below. In case you missed it, my work was also […]
Prepare Your Dogs for Baby Coming into Their Lives

This article by Creed Anthony originally appeared on City Dads Group. We had two dogs before my daughter was born: a 9-year-old Rottweiler and a 2-year-old Boxer. Bailey and Sydney were spoiled rotten. We took them on walks, played with them relentlessly, and they both slept soundly in our bedroom. When expecting our first child, […]
You’re Due In 3 Weeks. Is it too late to get your dog ready for baby?

A lot of expecting mothers don’t think about the impact that a baby will have on their pup. As a result, I hear this question a lot. You’re getting close to giving birth and suddenly it dawns on you. What if my dog and my baby aren’t compatible? Is it too late to get my […]
(Podcast) Mike Interviewed on Natural Birth and Baby Care

I was delighted to chat with Kristen from Natural Birth and Baby Care all about how to prepare your dog for the arrival of your baby. Below is Kristen’s writeup from the show and you can listen to it here. Today I interview Mike Wombacher, author of the book Good Dog, Happy Baby and an expert in hands-on dog […]
(CNN Featured Article) How to baby-prep your dog

This post originally appeared on the CNN News blog. (CNN) In the past 30 or so years, dog ownership has sky rocketed while, unrelatedly, young couples are increasingly choosing to delay parenthood into their late 20s and 30s. Where these trends intersect, a dog may even be something of a surrogate child. With couples pouring […]
Dog Bites and Children: The Numbers Don’t Lie

Recently I was invited to be a guest on a natural childbirth podcast to discuss my book, Good Dog, Happy Baby, and the issue of preparing one’s dog for the arrival of their child. During the early stages of the interview, one of the first things the interviewer asked me was just how big of an issue […]
(VIDEO) Once Bitten: Coming Back From The Brink With Desensitizing Training

Video Summary In this blog I am embarking on an experiment to turn some of my dog and baby related training sessions into helpful video blogs to share with you. Each video should prove quite helpful for insight into different dimensions of the dog and child or baby relationship. In this current video, I am working […]
(VIDEO) Exercises To Change The Relationship Between Your Dog and Child

Video Summary In this video, I work with a father, his doberman, and his little girl. Unlike the focus on preparing for the arrival of your baby, here we work with an older child (3 to 4 years old) and the family dog. The exercises I teach in this video are designed to change the relationship […]
3 Warning Signs Predicting Trouble Between Your Dog And Baby

Are you worried that the arrival of your baby might be problematic for your dog? And what are some of the warning signs to let you know you should be concerned? There are a number of things that I would consider red flags when considering bringing a baby into a home with a resident dog. Bear in […]
How Can I Prepare My Dog for the Arrival of My Baby?

I get this question all the time: how can I prepare my dog for the arrival of my baby? There are lots of things you can do to prepare your dog for the arrival of your baby. Preparing Your Dog For The Arrival Of Your Baby The most important thing you can do to prepare your […]